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Touch Screen Robotics


TOUCH is a wireless controlled robot workshop,where you control your robot using touch screen and it actually moves on surface. The same robot gets controlled by computer at a remote location.

Topics to be covered in this Workshop
A. Introduction to Robotics & Microcontroller Programming
1. C Programming
2. What is Microcontroller
3. Why AVR?
4. Atmega16 and its Features
5. Input and Output Interfacing
B. Practical Session - 1
1. Microcontroller Programming
2. LED Blinking
3. Generating Different Patterns
4. Interrupts
C. Communication
1. Communication Protocols
2. Wireless Communication
3. RF Communication
4. USART in ATmega16
D. Practical Session - 2
1. USART Programming
2. Wireless Interfacing
3. Data Communication
E. Touch Screen Interfacing
1. Touch Screen
2. Types of Touch Screen
3. Touch Screen Interfacing with MCU
F. Motors and Driver
1. DC Geared Motor
2. Motor Driving Concept
3. Motor Driver IC L293D
G. Practical Session - 3
1. Interfacing of Touch Screen
2. Interfacing of Motor Driver
3. Wireless controlling of Robot using Touch Screen 

Fees: Rs. 1500/- per head. Kit to be given in a group of 5 members.

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