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Social Entrepreneurship

Want to change the world?
Interested in learning about Social Entrepreneurship?
Have an innovative solution you wish to develop, or want to network with others who do?
Modules to be covered:
Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
Based on practical case studies and theoretical basis the history and definition of social entrepreneurship in a (inter-)national context will be explored.
Methods & Tools
After an interactive introduction to the business model canvas for social entrepreneurs, follows an intensive exploration of innovative finance instruments.
Scaling & Impact
Based on the Social Reporting Standard the participants will learn how to effectively report on their projects. Further practical scaling strategies will be developed.
With the method of “Design Thinking “participants will generate first innovative start-up ideas and implement them into initial business models.

Duration: The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days, with eight hour session each day in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hands on sessions


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