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Raspberry Pi

Raspberry PI is one of the most popular open source development platforms available in the market today. It is a miniature credit-card sized powerful computer that let designers develop multimedia applications - media playback & streaming, gaming, graphics etc. Raspberry PI operates on Linux and has Broadcom BCM2835 - full HD multimedia SOC which includes ARM11 running at 700MHz and VideoCore IV GPU. Till date more than 3 million units of the Pi have been shipped across the world.
This course introduces you to the amazing world of Raspberry Pi and its fascinating applications. Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the
temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

Topics to be covered in this Workshop:

Introduction of raspberry pi
Types, configuration and specification
About operating system
Hardware and connectivity

Programing using python language
Basic programing in python
Hello world
Controlling GPIO pins
Led blink
User input
IR sensor
Temperature sensor
Controlling motor
Pi camera
Play music

Set up of Pi board
Hardware setup
Software configuring
Internet connectivity and streaming internet
Using Linux command
Updating software

Remote access
Remote login
Desktop sharing

GPIO configuration
Connecting LEDs
Connecting buttons
Using SOS buzzer
Temperature sensor

Hardware Kit: The company will bring Raspberry Pi Hardware KIT for an Experimental purpose. It is non-take away. Anyone interested in purchasing can pay additional amount for purchasing kit.


- A working Laptop/PC with minimum of 2 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD, intel i3+ processor
- A Seminar Hall with sitting capacity of all participants along with charging plugs, proper ventilation
- Projector, Collar Mike and Speakers

- Digital toolkit of PPTs and study material for all participants
- Certificate of Participation for every participant.
- A competition will be organized at the end of the workshop and winners will be awarded by Certificate of Excellence.

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