Android App Development
Android being a robust operating system provides you stability that have strong Linux core which helps your android application to withstand the judgment of internet traffic. Android has covered very importance in mobile industry mostly with our Android applications developers which empowers programmers to develop an ingenious mobile application for your android smart phone.
This workshop is a comprehensive look at the Android architecture that teaches how to build and deploy applications for Android phones and tablets using the Java programming language. Starting with the installation of the required developer tools, including Eclipse and the Android SDK, the course covers how to build the user interface, work with local data, integrate data from the accelerometer and other sensors, and deploy finished applications to the Android Market.
Topics to be covered in Android Workshop:
1. Introduction
What is Android?
Why is Android important to you?
Android Architecture
Importance of Open source software
2. Introduction to IDE
3. Android Folder Structure
Android Manifest file
Source files
4. Deploy Applications onto Phone
5. Activity
What is an Activity?
Creating an Activity
Activity Life Cycle
6. Introduction to XML
What is XML?
Basics of XML
Declare an Attribute in XML
UI creation using XML
7. Working with the Application
Background Colors
Background Images
8. Layouts
Relative Layout with login Screen
9. Intents
What is Intent?
Types of Intents
Page Navigation Application
10. Database
SQLite Database
Introduction to SQLite Manager
SQLite DB Helper
Insertion of data
Retrieval of data
Hardware Kit: This workshop does not include any hardware kit.
- A working Laptop/PC with minimum of 2 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD, intel i3+ processor
- A Seminar Hall with sitting capacity of all participants along with charging plugs, proper ventilation
- Projector, Collar Mike and Speakers
- Digital toolkit of PPTs and study material for all participants
- Certificate of Participation for every participant.
- A competition will be organized at the end of the workshop and winners will be awarded by Certificate of Excellence.