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Primavera Workshop

Primavera P6 Professional Project Management, the recognized standard for high-performance project management software, is designed to handle large-scale, highly sophisticated and multifaceted projects. It can be used to organize projects up to 100,000 activities, and it provides unlimited resources and an unlimited number of target plans.

Topics to be covered:

Session 1: Introduction and About Primavera: purpose of planning, project planning metrices, project management life cycle, enterprise project structure, work breakdown structure, organizational breakdown structure.

Session 2: Planning and Monitoring Without Resources: creating projects, calendars, activities, logic link, scheduling, critical path, total float, free float, constraints, baseline, tracking.

Session 3: Scheduling with Resources, Roles and Budgets: creating and using resources, creating and using roles, budgets, resources usage profiles, optimization of resources.

Session 4: Project, Calenders, WBS, Activities: creating blank project, copy an existing project, importing project, setting up a new project, database default calendar, accessing global and project calendar, editing calendar working days and hours, wbs node separator, wbs categories, adding activities under wbs, default activity duration, bars in gantt chart, assigning calendar to activities, assigning to a wbs node.

Session 5: Relationship and Constraints: adding relationship, lags and leads, graphically adding or removing relation, circular relationship, scheduling the project, assigning the constraints, activity notebook, activity network view, group sort & layouts, filters, printing & reports.

Session 6: scheduling: sata fields; early and late start & finish, actual start & finish, Scheduling options: ignore relationships to and from other projects, make open ended activities critical, use expected finish dates, automatic when a change affect dates, level resources during scheduling, recalculate resource costs after scheduling.

Session 7: Baselines, Updating: creating and deleting a baseline, restoring a baseline to the database, update baselines, updating activities using status tab and columns, progress spotlight and update progress, comparing progress with baseline.

Session 8: Roles and Resources and Resources Optimization: creating roles, creating individual and group resources, assigning resources and roles, activity usage spreadsheet, activity usage profile, resources usage spreadsheet, resources usage profile, resources leveling.

Session 9: Case Study: residential apartment and industrial project.

Hardware Kit: This workshop does not include any hardware kit.

- A working Laptop/PC with minimum of 2 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD, intel i3+ processor
- A Seminar Hall with sitting capacity of all participants along with charging plugs, proper ventilation
- Projector, Collar Mike and Speakers

- Digital toolkit of PPTs and study material for all participants
- Certificate of Participation for every participant.
- A competition will be organized at the end of the workshop and winners will be awarded by Certificate of Excellence.

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